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圣地亚哥华夏中文学校San Diego Hua Xia Chinese School

时间:2024-03-16  来源:  作者: 我要纠错

San Diego Hua Xia Chinese School
Contact 联系

MAILING ADDRESS: 7920 Arjons Drive, Suite H, San Diego, CA 92126

CAMPUS OFFICE(DO NOT mail anything to this address)

10440 Black Mountain Road, M-110 (Miramar College Campus Map)

San Diego, CA 92126

Email: info@sdhxcs.org




Founded in 1997, San Diego Hua Xia Chinese School (SDHXCS) is a nonprofit, secular, and apolitical educational organization with 501(c)(3) status. It is the first local language school that teaches simplified Chinese and Pinyin (Chinese phonetic).

Our mission is to provide a peaceful learning environment for students to acquire skills of comprehension, communication, reading and writing in Mandarin Chinese, to bridge the cultural gap, and to promote mutual understanding between different ethnic groups.

Our school has grown rapidly since the very beginning. With enrollment over 1,100 each school year, SDHXCS is the largest independent language school in San Diego. Five programs (Bilingual, Regular, Credit, AP Chinese and Enrichment) offer 60 Chinese Language & Culture classes and over 30 enrichment classes to meet the needs of our students with different levels of proficiency and interests.

SDHXCS is accredited by Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC) as well as the local school districts. Our AP Chinese is further approved by and registered with College Board. Our semester system is in compliance with the school year of local public schools.

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