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时间:2022-11-28  来源:  作者: 我要纠错

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纽约华侨学校是于1909年在中华公所的监督下成立的。1962年正式向纽约州教育厅立案并于1967年获得永久立案状。校址设在纽约华埠勿街62号中华大楼,楼高五层并建有地下室,共有22间宽敞明亮的教室、2间专业的舞蹈室、1间钢琴室、1个室内运动场、1个可容纳428人的大礼堂,是美东规模最大的唯一一所拥有独立校舍的中文学校,2018年秋季班学生人数近1200人,全年学生数约计3200人。        目前,纽约华侨学校所授科目以中文為主,包括幼稚园至高中的华语、文化常识、诗词歌赋及书法等;除此还设有成人国语班,以及学童及青年学子的舞蹈、绘画、钢琴等才艺课程。未来将俟市场需求开设功夫班、扯铃等具中华文化特色之课程,藉机宣扬中华文化。       师资方面,侨校拥有一批专业师范大专院校毕业、具丰富之教学经验;经校长王宪筠努力建构合作机制下,目前哥伦比亚大学教师学院及亨特学院实习教师在我校担任教学助理,全面提升教学品质及营造快乐的学习环境。        校长秉持以爱為出发点之教育理念,结合主流大学之教学内容及趋势,与亨特学院合作辅导社区学子应考美国国防部、纽约卅教育厅资助下研发之标准化语言能力测试- STAMP ,高中生测试通过将颁给纽约州双语认证(The Seal of Bi-literacy)。另,以宏扬中华文化為主题,打造纽约华侨学校成為品质保证之教育机构;让学子们在人格发展及学习内涵上具竞争优势;未来成為各阶层之菁英,同时教导学生以取之于社会,回馈于社会之有理想及抱负的人。

  New York Chinese School (NYCS), located in the heart of the New York City's Chinatown, was established in 1909 and has been chartered by the New York State Education Department since 1967. NYCS is a non-profit, community-based organization.  

          As the very first overseas Chinese school, New York Chinese School began with only  ~20 students in the early 20th century but had expanded to ~3,200 students by the turn of the century. Our school is comprised of 22 classrooms, 2 dance studios, 1 piano room, a modern indoor gymnasium, and an auditorium with a capacity of 428 people, making us the largest overseas Chinese School in North America.  
         NYCS provides Chinese education for K-12 students in our afterschool and weekend programs, as well as adults in the form of Mandarin classes at beginner, intermediate, or intermediate-advanced levels. Students also become immersed in Chinese culture, including poetry and calligraphy. NYCS also offers a comprehensive list of classes in the creative/performing arts such as dance, drawing/painting, and piano to complement and enrich the learning experience.

           At present, New York Chinese School has welcomed a group of professional teachers with rich teaching experience from different colleges. Under Principal Wang's efforts, NYCS has cooperated with Columbia University's Teachers College and Hunter College to receive numerous university students with teaching experience at NYCS to serve as Teaching Assistants which will increase the quality of education and create a better learning environment for students
           Principal Jennifer Wang is working on developing a new pedagogical model in concert with various marquee universities. As a first step, NYCS is collaborating with Columbia University's Teachers College and Hunter College. Thanks to this partnership with Hunter College, our students can now take the Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP) test, developed by the US Department of Defense and the New York Department of Education.  Every student that passes the STAMP test will be awarded the New York State Seal of Bi-literacy.

           With the theme of promoting Chinese culture and heritage, New York Chinese School will continue to maintain its high standards and remains a place where students can develop self-respect, leadership, and the foundation to achieve financial and academic success.

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