时间:2024-03-15 来源: 作者: 我要纠错
企业社会责任由勤奋、精力充沛、多才多艺的志愿者管理和运营。培养学生的志愿服务精神和社区服务精神一直是其坚定不移的目标之一。在过去的 20 年里,CSR 成员和学生用中国文化给大罗切斯特社区留下了深刻的印象和喜悦。企业社会责任对罗切斯特这个文化丰富和多元化的社区产生了深远的影响。
The Chinese School of Rochester (CSR) was the first Chinese school in New York State to teach Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin and simplified characters. It has served the community in Chinese language and culture for over 20 years. CSR not only teaches students Chinese language and culture but also fosters an appreciation for Chinese cultural heritage and cultural diversity in the community.
CSR is managed and run by diligent, energetic, and multitalented volunteers. Nurturing volunteering and community service spirit in students has been one of its unwavering objectives. In the past 20 years, CSR members and students have impressed and delighted the Greater Rochester community with Chinese culture. The impact of CSR has been far-reaching in the culture-rich and diverse community of Rochester.