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乡音合唱团 Edison Chinese Chorus

时间:2024-10-29  来源:  作者: 我要纠错


电话联系:908-217-2480 或

乡音合唱团成立于2001年2月。乡音是一个在新泽西州政府注册的非营利文化组织,其宗旨是丰富团员的文化生活并通过合唱表演及音乐会服务社区。乡音合唱团自成立以来,参加过大小上百场演出,举办过6届音乐会,在今年的抗战年的纪念活动中乡音合唱团于2015年4月4日和7月5日分别在新州和纽约市成功地上演了百人黄河大合唱,引起了热烈的反响。乡音合唱团在为丰富社区的文化生活做出了贡献的同时,逐渐形成了自己独特的演出风格。 乡音合唱团以演唱中国民歌及艺术歌曲为主,辅以通俗和外国合唱歌曲。合唱团的一个突出的特点是强调全体团员声音的质量与和谐,特别重视团员个人的声乐训练与提高。每次排练,艺术指导都用足够的时间训练团员的声音。此外,还定期安排艺术指导与团员的一对一声乐辅导,并邀请专业演员举办讲座,不断提高团员的声乐水平。乡音合唱团现有90多名团员,以爱迪生为活动中心。合唱团自成立以来一直由来自北京中央民族歌舞团的男中音歌唱家吕彬先生担任艺术指导兼指挥。乡音合唱团的钢琴伴奏由钢琴家范翠育女士担任。

Founded in 2001 by a group of enthusiastic volunteers, the Edison Chinese Chorus is a non-profit, community-oriented organization. Its mission is to enrich the lives and broaden the cultural horizons of its members; to promote culture exchange and understanding within the community; and to provide community service through choral singing and concert performances. In the past 12 years, the chorus has performed hundred times locally and regionally, including performances at venues like The State Theater of New Jersey (2003), Radio City Music Hall in New York (2006) and The Baptist Temple of Temple University (2010). The Edison Chinese Chorus is a local group with interests deeply rooted in local communities. The members take great pride in their numerous local performances at senior centers, veterans' homes, local schools and public parks.

The Edison Chinese Chorus is noted for singing a variety of Chinese art and folk songs with colorful and diverse musical styles. The group emphasizes vocal quality and harmony. To that end, vigorous vocal exercise is built into each of its rehearsals. Currently, the Edison Chinese Chorus has more than 90 members. Bin Lü , a professionally trained baritone and vocal teacher, has been the music director and conductor since the group’s formation. Shirley Fan, a professional pianist and piano teacher, has been the pianist of the group since 2004. In 2004 and 2007, the chorus held its first and second public concerts. In celebration of its 10th anniversary in 2011, and the ECC was pleased to present its third public concert. In 2013, the 4th Concert of the ECC was held for commemorating the Centennial of China's Folk Song King of the Northwest -Wang, LuoBin . In 2014, ECC presented its 5th concert with more than 40 classic songs from the world singing in multiple languages.  In 2015, ECC successfully held its 6th public concert - 70th Anniversary of WWII concert.

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